Lamoni 2012
Brownville,NE 2010
Fortescue MO 2009
CHARGE!!!!! Pawnee City, NE 2009
Another Brave Confederate Cavalrymen off to join the Conflict
Lee's Brave Branch Comanders.
Forrest passes through home town
ANV on the move
Proud Black Confederates
Shortly after Louisiana's secession, Governor Thomas Overton Moore issued pleas for troops on April 17 and April 21, 1861. In response to the governor's request, a committee of ten prominent New Orleans free blacks called a meeting at the Catholic Institute on April 22. About two thousand people attended the meeting where muster lists were opened, with about 1,500 free blacks signing up. Governor Moore accepted the services of these men as part of the state's miltia. The new militia regiment was formed on May 2, 1861, consisting mostly of "free persons of color" Creole French Speakers (gens de couleur) between the ages of 15 and 50. At that time, an estimated 10,000 African American residents of the state of Louisiana and the city of New Orleans had gained their freedom. On May 29, 1861, Governor Moore appointed three white officers as commanders of the regiment, and company commanders were appointed from among the free blacks of the regiment. The militia unit was the first of any North American unit to have African-American officers. This regiment was called the Louisiana Native Guard. Though ten per cent of its members would later join the Union Army's 1st Louisiana Native Guard (under white officers), the two were separate military units. (from Wikipedia)
Below photo was taken in 1924 UDC convention.
The man in the center holding the battleflag and covered in medals was Gen Lee's cook and personal attendent durringthe war.